University Wildlife Societies

Who Are The Wildlife Society?

The Wildlife Society is located in Maryland, USA and was founded in 1937. It is a non-profit, scientific and educational group whose aim is to conserve wildlife and wildlife resources. Wildlife is identified as any living being which is not human, plant or domesticated animal. The group would like to see a world where humans and wildlife can exist in a balance.

TWS is made of both professionals and students. To reach its goals, it uses scientific knowledge to care for wildlife and preserve the eco-system. TWS has more than 8,000 members. Although this may seem like a small number, membership does span the globe in over 80 countries.

TWS and its pool of professionals are involved in many activities. Scientists contribute what they know and have discovered about preserving wildlife. Wildlife managers then apply this knowledge to policy and law. Teachers in turn share awareness with the public. There are many others involved in wildlife: technicians, planners, students. Members of TWS study manage and conserve wildlife. They re-establish endangered species, manage forests and wetlands, help fix problems in the wild like disease and destruction.

TWS offers tools and resources to help professionals. Among these are research, policy information as well as professional networks.

What about the University Wildlife Societies?

There are over 100 student chapters of the TWS scattered across United States. The individual student chapters each have their own focus. These would depend on the local wildlife issues.

Who joins the University Wildlife Societies?

Societies are made of students, faculty, and professionals on university campuses. The student members might be studying forestry, zoology, wildlife ecology, and so on.

What are their aims?

The student chapters of the TWS try to boost awareness of ecology and conservation. But they also have a strong emphasis on socializing and fun. Activities are planned around learning, volunteering, research, and spreading awareness. They have an outdoorsy spirit and a lot of it is simply just appreciating nature.

What are some activities of student chapters of the TWS?

Activities range from the junior scientist (bird tagging) to the simple (picking up trash along the highway) to the funny (BBQ cookout of wild species of game). The club might hold a wildlife photo contest or a game calling competition. There may also be student research labs in conservation areas. They may sell society t-shirts, caps and mugs. Other possible unique activities include wildlife art, tree sales, making bird seed bells, and the prairie chicken census.

Side by side with a solid background in wildlife sciences, these student chapters help groom college kids for a career in their fields. They engage students in professional activities while keeping them upbeat and fun. Students also have a chance to meet and engage with professionals in the field and discuss issues and trends. This opens the door for career contacts and opportunities as well.

Having been members as students, they are likely to go on and be active in the The Wildlife Society as professionals.

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